As of March 19, 2024, a search for < haggad* zines > yields six results, including one by Jennie Rose Halperin BC '10: all who are hungry, come in and eat! : a choose your own adventure seder. Another haggadah zine, Chella Quint's A Tiny Telling of Fairness & Freedom is described:

zine cover: large Hebrew writing, underneath it "A Tiny Telling of Fairness + Freedom"

This one-page folding zine is a Passover Haggadah for children. It includes short, modern takes on the story of Passover, the Four Questions, the Ten Plagues, and Rabbi Hillel (and the "Hillel Sandwich"). There is also a playlist of modern pop songs about peace and freedom, including "We Shall Overcome," "Fight the Power," and "I Will Survive." When unfolded, the inside has a large graphic of a Seder plate. The text, much of which is rhyming, is accompanied by hand-drawn illustrations.

The other two haggadah zines in our collection are Rise up : a liberation seder haggadah and After Exodus : The Jews Against the Occupation Haggadah.